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4-H Camp... June 21-23, 2017

I was able to transport kids to and from camp, but I was unable to stay and help with the activities. It was fun to listen to the children in my car talk with each other on the way to camp. They were so excited to go to 4-H camp! It was the first year for some and others were old pros! The seasoned 4-H campers gave advice to the young green 4-H campers. The funniest advice was when an old pro told the new campers about a boy that was sent home last year for going into the girls camping area on the first day. The new campers were certain that was not what they wanted to have happen to them!

I told Lance he needed to have someone in all of the vehicles give that advice with wide eyes to the new 4-H campers and he would squelch a lot of problems before they ever began!

When I arrived to pick up the worn out kids on Friday they were sad to be done, but ready to go home! Their conversations in the car were of fun times but quickly slowed as their eyes grew heavy. I think 4-H camp was a success!

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